Product Description
Facts about the manual you will be receiving:
- This manual is printed by eKeyBlanks with permission by ILCO.
- This is the manual that originally came with the key machine.
Contains important information, such as:
Use of the manual
General Warnings
Use of the manual
General Warnings
- Machine description
- Main operating parts
- Safety
- Technical data
- Accessories provided
- Handling
- Packing
- Unpacking
- Handling the machine
- Machine installation and preparation
- Checking for damage
- Environmental conditions
- Positioning
- Separate Parts
- Tablet stand and tablet
- Power pack and lead
- Fixing bracket
- Work station description
- Table regulation and use
- Choice of language
- Clamps
- Clamps for flat keys with standard cuts
- Use of the shoulder gauge
- Stop Positions (Key Stop)
- Use of Pins - Clamp 01V/01VJ
- Cutting cruciform keys
- Removing/fitting the clamp 01V/01VJ
- Clamp for dimple and track keys - 01R
- Dimple keys
- Track type keys
- Removing/fitting clamp 01R
- Removing/fitting the jaws on clamp 01R
- Using tracer 01T
- Tracer 02T
- Cleaning
- Maintenance
- Operations
- Access to rear compartment
- Prismatic cutter replacement
- Cylindrical cutter and/or tracer point replacement
- Tracer 01T replacement
- Checking and replacing fuse
- Battery replacement
- Decommissioning
- Assistance
- How to request service
- Software operating guide
- Electrical diagrams